The Museum

Inaugurated in 2000, the Georg Schäfer Museum in Schweinfurt never fails to attract international attention. An architectural masterpiece designed by Volker Staab, the building houses a unique collection of paintings and sketches ranging from 1760 to 1930. These include significant groups of works stemming from individual artists as for example Caspar David Friedrich, Carl Spitzweg, Ferdinand Waldmüller or Adolph von Menzel right through to such impressionists as Max Slevogt, Lovis Corinth and Max Liebermann. Sophisticated temporary exhibitions are staged featuring works on loan, serving to enhance an historical epoch full of social and political tension, a period full of divergent and all too often conflicting trends that prevailed in the world of art. Thus the l’art-pour-l’art movement emerged almost simultaneously with the demand for a new German national style. This unleashed major upheavals, reassessed values, multiple changes in style and not least the birth of modernism.

As regards quality and scope, the Georg Schäfer Collection is in a league with the German art collections on display in Berlin’s Alte Nationalgalerie and the Neue Pinakothek in Munich. The collection has its roots going back to the 1950s when it initially came to be compiled by the Schweinfurt industrialist and collector Dr. Georg Schäfer, Dr. honoris causa (1896-1975). Many works had already been exhibited on loan in prestigious museums during his lifetime. On the other hand, his museum planning operations – involving celebrities such as Ludwig Mies van der Rohe – had still to wait until attaining fruition. His heirs contributed with roughly 1,000 paintings and 4,650 drawings – forming the hard core of the collection. These were incorporated into the collection of the Dr. Georg Schäfer Foundation set up in 1997. They have since been complemented by a whole number of further additions (2005, 2016 and 2017) as well as other significant items exhibited on loan. Thus the Georg Schäfer Museum houses the most important private collection of 19th century artworks stemming from the German-speaking world.

The Free State of Bavaria financed the establishment of the Museum and as such is the owner of the building. The building client, the City of Schweinfurt, is the municipal body responsible for running the Museum with financial support coming from the Foundation. The strong ongoing commitment of all involved makes it possible to make this fine collection available to the public.


The Collection of Paintings

The works contained in the collection do not focus on any specific school or centre of art. Instead they provide an overview of virtually all artistic movements prevalent in the German-speaking world. These include the Viennese School practised by ‘Fin de Siècle’ artists which overlapped into the 20th century. Occasional departure from the canon upheld by established artists formed one of the major ideas pursued by the collector with the aim of drawing attention to the qualities in the works of forgotten artists. 19th century art already found itself in a volatile state of appraisal even at the time it originated. The new presentation of the paintings undertaken in September 2017 addresses this aspect both in terms of group dynamics and solitary artists. This is enhanced by a chronologically structured tour of the exhibition and a colour scheme designed to reflect what are occasionally vehement stylistic and epochal incongruities.

Museum highlights distinguished on account of their art-historical significance include for instance Franz Pforr’s painting Shulamith and Mary, Caspar David Friedrich’s Evening on the Baltic or Adolph von Menzel’s Court Circle in the Presence of Emperor Wilhelm I. The Museum boasts a collection of more than 100 works originating from Menzel: paintings including gouache paintings and drawings. Carl Spitzweg is represented by the world’s largest collection numbering 160 paintings and 120 drawings including such public favourites as The Bookworm and The Intercepted Love Letter. With a display of over forty works, the Romantic Era forms another key area of the collection; a broad range of high-quality Nazarene panel paintings is also on view. The above-mentioned series of works extending from C. D. Friedrich to Max Liebermann are joined by further groups painted by Hans Thoma and artists led by Wilhelm Leibl. Outstanding examples turned out by less known masters include Ludwig Schnorr von Carolsfeld or Wilhelm Wach.


Prints, Drawings and Archives

The collection of prints and drawings exhibited at the Georg Schäfer Museum comprises examples accomplished applying a whole number of different techniques plus 180 sketchbooks and roughly 200 prints. Akin to the collection of paintings, the prints and drawings on display range from the late 18th century and protrude into the early 20th century. They cover portraits, historical scenes, scenes from the Bible and ancient mythology, genre studies, caricatures as well as landscapes and animals. Well-known names are superbly represented, comprising to a large extent works on paper. Personalities include Johann Georg von Dillis, Wilhelm von Kobell, Ludwig Richter, Carl Spitzweg, Adolph von Menzel, Wilhelm Leibl, Rudolf von Alt, Hans Thoma, Max Liebermann, Lovis Corinth and Max Slevogt. In addition to what in their own right are picturesque masterpieces, the collection also includes sketches and studies as well as preparatory work for graphic art reproductions, allowing the observer to experience the production process and the techniques employed by the artists, thus imparting a deep insight into the multifaceted art of drawing prevalent during the 19th century.

Regrettably, in the interest of conservation and due to their sensitivity to light, the works cannot be placed on permanent display. Individual prints and drawings nevertheless feature in special exhibitions. On application, works can be presented in the study room for research purposes.

In addition, the Museum preserves various archives including the Spitzweg archives of Hans Wilhelm Schmidt along with the Günther Roennefahrt estate as well as the archives of Jens Christian Jensen and Siegfried Wichmann.


Provenance Research at the Georg Schäfer Museum

The Georg Schäfer Museum does not possess any works of art of its own but only houses exhibits on loan from the collection belonging to the Dr. Georg Schäfer Foundation. The items on loan originate from a far greater private collection accumulated by the Schweinfurt industrialist Georg Schäfer (1896-1975). Today, these works of art are to be found in museums or in widely spread private ownership. Those works preserved at the Georg Schäfer Museum belonging to the Schäfer Foundation constitute the heart of the collection. As far back as 1966, the collector began to give permanent loan of many works making up the present-day portfolio to various German art museums, these being publicly revealed as such.

Professional provenance research was launched in November 2016, initially focused on examination of the 1,000 paintings constituting the collection. From 2018 onwards digitalization began to take place of the appurtenant image data. As a matter of priority, NS restitution claims involving 23 works were subjected to careful scrutiny, the expertise report afterwards being presented to the owner i.e. the Georg Schäfer Foundation. Where suspicions were confirmed of dispossession having taken place attributable to persecution of their previous Jewish owners, the Foundation took measures to withdraw items provided on loan until a corresponding solution could be found. In that respect mention needs to be made of the fact that private ownership is not covered by the Washington Agreement of 1998. Nor is the City of Schweinfurt represented in the Foundation.

The Georg Schäfer Museum does not exhibit any works identified as so-called looted art. Nevertheless, since late 2017 various objects and text have been used to draw attention to the highly complex historical, ethical and legal political issues along with the relevant status of research accomplished in each case. Ever since then, the subject of provenance research has been continuously focused on in the guided tours of the collection on permanent display. In December 2019 newly worded text material was drafted for 17 rooms exhibiting items in the permanent collection.

Provenance research is due to continue following a three-year initial phase ending on 31.12.2019 as soon as an inventory survey of the graphic works, numbering just under 5,000, has undergone final completion. The objective behind this task has always been and still continues to be to investigate the origins of all works kept at the Georg Schäfer Museum. Since this is a private collection involving a history of 20th-century acquisitions, the entire background of the exhibits needs to be investigated from the 19th century onwards. Scrutiny of the entire original collection, whose incoming and outgoing acquisitions focus on further aspects of, or limitation to the period extending from 1933 to 1945, is not required. The long-term objective behind the provenance research operations being carried out is centred rather on trying to provide answers to issues concerning the origins of the various works of art.


Represented artists at the Georg Schäfer Museum

(* only graphic)

Andreas Achenbach, Oswald Achenbach, Albrecht Adam, Eugen Adam, Franz Adam, Heinrich Adam*, Julius Adam*, August Wilhelm Julius Ahlborn, Max Emanuel Ainmiller, Conrad d'Allemand*, Jakob Alt, Rudolf von Alt, Theodor Alt, Oscar von Alvensleben*, Wilhelm Amberg*, Friedrich von Amerling, Alois Bach, Hermann Baisch, Hans Baluschek*, Friedrich Bamberger, Fritz Bamberger*, Carl Bantzer*, Caroline Bardua*, Hans von Bartels*, Paul Baum*, Adolf Baumann*, Peter Becker*, Carl Johann Becker-Gundahl, Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Beckmann, Max Beckmann, Adalbert Begas, Carl Joseph Begas, Oskar Begas, Ferdinand Bellermann*, Eduard Julius Friedrich Bendemann, Wilhelm Ferdinand Bendz, Albert Berg*, Edmund Berninger*, Carl Blechen, Detlev Konrad Blunck, Gregor von Bochmann*, Leopold Bode*, Carl Bodmer*, Arnold Böcklin, Fritz Boehle*, Wilhelm Böttner, Anton Braith, Louis Braun*, Wilhelm Brücke, Samuel Brunner*, Karl Buchholz, Heinrich Bürkel, Hugo Bürkner*, Rudolf Bürkner*, Anton Burger, Peter Burnitz*, Wilhelm Busch, Bernhard Buttersack*, Wilhelm Camphausen*, Gilbert von Canal*, Hans Canon*, Jakob Asmus Carstens*, Carl Gustav Carus, Franz Catel, William Merrit Chase, Adolf Chelius*, Josef Carl Cogels*, Edward Th. Compton*, Maria von Conta-Piloty*, Lovis Corinth, Peter von Cornelius*, Georg Heinrich Crola, Eduard Daege*, Johann Christian Clausen Dahl, Sigwald Johannes Dahl*, Josef Danhauser, Franz von Defregger, Franz Degenhardt*, Ludwig Dettmann*, Jakob Fürchtegott Dielmann*, Albert Christoph Dies, Wilhelm Diez, Otto Dill*, Cantius Dillis*, Johann Georg Dillis, Anton Doll*, Franz Doll, Johann Jakob Dorner d. J., Franz Dreber, Wilhelm Dürr*, Hermann Dyck, Konrad Eberhard*, Adolf Eberle*, Otto Eberlein*, Carl Ebert*, Michael Echter*, Viktor Eckhardt von Eckhardtsburg*, Julie Gräfin von Egloffstein*, Ludwig Eibl, Friedrich Eibner, Albert Eichhorn, Reinhard Max Eichler*, H. Eisfeld*, Marie Ellenrieder*, Johann Nepomuk Ender, Thomas Ender, Bernhard Endres*, Georg Engelhardt*, Eduard von Engerth, Karl von Enhuber, Johann Christoph Erhard*, Erich Erler-Samaden, Fritz Erler, Julius Exter, Franz Eybl, Louis Eysen*, Christian Friedrich Ezdorf*, Christian Wilhelm Faber du Faur*, Traugott Faber*, Fritz Fechner*, Gustav Heinrich Gottlieb Feckert*, Ferdinand Fellner*, Christian Peter Fendi, Anselm Feuerbach, Walter Firle*, August Fischbach, Ernst Fischer*, Josef Anton Fischer*, Alois Flad*, Alexander Flinsch*, Carl Philipp Fohr*, Philipp Foltz, Carl Jakob Benjamin Friedrich*, Gustav Adolf Friedrich, Caspar David Friedrich, Ernst Fries, Richard Friese*, Josef von Führich, Führich-Umkreis, Eduard Gaertner, Wilhelm Gail*, Otto Gampert*, Franz Gareis*, Friedrich Gauermann, Eduard von Gebhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Gebhardt*, Carl Gehrts*, Willy Geiger*, Johann Martin Friedrich Geißler*, August Geist, Bonaventura Genelli*, Jakob Gensler*, Ismael Gentz*, Wilhelm Carl Gentz*, Walter Georgi, Eduard Gerhardt*, Conrad Gessner*, Johann Geyer*, Carl Geyling, Christian Friedrich Gille*, Franz Xaver Glink*, Simon Glücklich*, Carl Goebel*, Carl Wilhelm Götzloff*, Alexander Demetrius Goltz*, Josef Gotthard*, Carl Georg Anton Graeb*, Paul Graeb*, Anton Graff*, Josef Grassi, Otto Greiner*, Eduard Grieben*, Ludwig Grimm*, Hermann Groeber*, Marcus Groenvold*, Curt Grolig*, Theodor Grosse*, Adolf Grotefend*, Franz Xaver Gruber*, Jakob Grünenwald, Eduard von Grützner, Johann Grund, Else Gürleth-Hey*, Louis Gurlitt, Nikolaus Gysis, Carl Haag*, Sebastian Habenschaden*, Hugo von Habermann, Jakob Philipp Hackert, Gabriel von Hackl*, Ernst Julius Hähnel*, Georg Haeselich*, Karl Hagemeister, Karl Haider, Christoph Jakob Wilhelm Haller von Hallerstein*, Elisabeth Hallstein*, Peter Halm*, Christian Gottlob Hammer*, Guido Hammer, Walter Hampel*, Johann Gottlieb Hantzsch*, Peter Heinrich Happel*, Ludwig Hartmann, Sophie Hartz*, Johann Peter Hasenclever, Carl Georg Adolf Hasenpflug, Ernst Hasse*, Joseph Hauber, Albert Haueisen*, August C. Haun*, Karl Heffner, Carl Wilhelm von Heideck. Thomas Theodor Heine, Philipp Heinel*, Heinrich Heinlein, Franz Heinrich*, Johann August Heinrich, Carl Friedrich Heinzmann*, Emil Hellrath*, Albert Hendschel*, Gustav Adolph Hennig*, Thomas Ludwig Herbst*, Edmund Herger*, Hans Herrmann, Albert Hertel*, Eugen Hess*, Hieronymus Hess*, Heinrich Maria Hess, Max Hess, Peter von Hess, Philipp Friedrich von Hetsch, Paul Hey, Eduard Hildebrandt*, Heinrich Hintze*, Gustav Adolf Hippius*, Rudolf Hirth du Frênes, Heinrich Höfer*, Josef Höger*, Anton Hoffmann*, Ludwig von Hofmann, Johann Baptist Hofner, Charles Hoguet, August Hopfgarten, Conrad Horny*, Franz Theobald Horny*, Theodor Horschelt*, Theodor Hosemann, Johann Conrad Hottinger*, Adam Huber*, Carl Wilhelm Hübner, Julius Hübner, Carl Maria Nicolaus Hummel, Johann Eduard Ihle, Paul Ihloff*, Eduard Valentin Joseph Karl Ille*, Julius Jacob*, Gustav Jagerspacher, Angelo Jank*, Josef Jansen, Carl Ludwig Kaaz, Eduard Kaempffer*, Adolf Kaiser*, Ernst Kaiser*, Franz Kaisermann*, Leopold Graf von Kalckreuth, Stanislaus Graf von Kalckreuth, Friedrich Christian Kallmeyer*, Friedrich Kallmorgen, Arthur Kampf*, Edmund Kanoldt, Albert Kappis, Louis Katzenstein, Hermann Kauffmann d. ä.*, Hermann Kauffmann, Hugo Kauffmann, Friedrich August von Kaulbach, Hermann Kaulbach, Wilhelm von Kaulbach, Joseph Kayser*, Joseph Kehren*, Otto Keitel*, Albert von Keller, Ferdinand Keller, Friedrich von Keller, Georg Friedrich Kersting, August Kestner*, Vincenz Georg Kininger*, Albert Emil Kirchner*, Eugen Kirchner*, Johann Baptist Kirner*, Friedrich Christian Klasz, Johann Adam Klein, Philipp Klein*, Johann Christian Klengel, Leo von Klenze, Eugen Johann Georg Klimsch*, Max Klinger, August Friedrich von Kloeber, Theodor Kloos*, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Klose*, Josef (Simon?) Klotz*, Ludwig Knaus, Franz Knebel d. ä., Christoph Heinrich Kniep*, Hermann Knopf*, Ferdinand Kobell, Franz Kobell, Wilhelm von Kobell, Joseph Anton Koch, Leo von König, Friedrich Alexander Körner*, Theodor Körner*, Alexander Köster, Christian Philipp Koester, Wilhelm Kohlhoff*, Wojciech Ritter von Kossak, Alfred von Kowalski-Wierusz, G. C. Krägen*, Georg Peter Krafft*, Melchior Kraus, Theodor Krause*, Franz Kreutzer*, Josef Kriehuber*, Christian Kröner*, Franz Krüger, Frederik Marianus Kruse*, Wilhelm von Kügelgen, Gotthardt Kuehl, Franz Kugler*, Marianna Kürzinger, Robert Kummer, Fritz Kunz*, Eduard Kurzbauer, Christian Adam Landenberger, Albert Lang, Carl Lange*, Arthur Langhammer*, Dietrich Langko, Carl August Lebschée*, Melchior Lechter*, Wilhelm Leibl, Leibl-Kreis, Walter Leistikow, Franz von Lenbach, Franz Joseph Leopold*, Carl Friedrich Lessing, Gottlob Heinrich Leutemann*, Julius von Leypold, Wilhelm Lichtenfeld, Max Liebermann, Adolf Lier, Josef Maria von Lindauer*, Karl Lindemann-Frommel*, J. C. Lindenschmidt*, Wilhelm von Lindenschmidt*, Lindenstedt*, Richard Linderum*, August Löffler*, Ludwig Löfftz, Wilhelm Löwith, Friedrich Loos, Carl Lossow*, August Lucas, August Lüdeke*, Michael Lueger*, Emil Lugo, Fritz Mackensen*, Hans Makart, Christian Mali, Bernhard Gottfried Manskirch, Ludwig Manzel*, Wilhelm Marc*, Hans von Marées, Carl von Marr*, Josef Heinrich Marr, Gabriel von Max, Karl Mayr-Graz*, Max Mayrshofer*, Ernst Adolph Meissner, Max von Menz*, Adolph von Menzel, Merte*, Pius Ferdinand Messerschmitt*, Peter Mettenleitner*, Gustav Metz*, Friedrich Eduard Meyerheim, Paul Meyerheim*, Kunz Meyer-Waldeck*, Fritz Michelis*, Géza Mirkovszky*, Otto Modersohn, Ernst Mohn*, Paul Mohn*, Martin von Molitor*, Dietrich Monten*, Carl Morgenstern*, Christian Morgenstern, Heinrich Karl Anton Mücke, Andreas Müller*, Carl Leopold Müller*, Carl Wilhelm Müller*, Friedrich Wilhelm Müller, G. Müller*, Johann Adam Müller*, Karl Friedrich Johann von Müller*, Richard Müller*, Viktor Müller, Josef Mukarowsky*, Michael von Munkacsy, Anton Muttenthaler*, Franz Xaver Nachtmann*, Ludwig Josef Nader*, Franz Johann Nadorp*, Gustav Heinrich Naeke*, Johann August Nahl d. J.*, Christoph Nathe*, Ludwig Gottlieb Carl Nauwerk*, Michael Neder, Michael Neher, Friedrich Neher, Wilhelm Nerenz*, Friedrich Christian Nerly, Eugen Napoleon Neureuther*, Alfred Niedermann, Gustav Nieritz*, Caspar Obach*, Hermann Obrist*, Ernst Ferdinand Oehme, Theobald von Oehr*, Ferdinand Olivier, Friedrich Woldemar Olivier, Heinrich Olivier*, Georg Emanuel Opiz*, Emil Orlik, Johann Nepomuk Ott*, Friedrich Overbeck, Augustin Palme, Bernhard Pankok*, Ferdinand Pauwels*, Carl Gottlieb Peschel*, August Xaver Ritter von Pettenkoven, Joseph Petzel*, Johann Baptist Pflug, Franz Pforr, John Philipp*, Carl Piepho, Bruno Piglhein*, Karl von Piloty, Eduard Pistorius*, Max Josef Pitzner*, Theodor Pixis*, Oskar Pletsch*, Graf Franz von Pocci*, Theodor Poeckh*, Felix Possart, Emil Pottner, Friedrich Preller*, Carl Ludwig Prinz*, Samuel Prout*, Leo Putz, Domenico Quaglio, Franz Quaglio, Lorenzo Quaglio, Simon Quaglio*, Johannes Rabe, Eugen Ränkel, Wilhelm Carl Räuber, Ignaz Raffalt, Carl Rahl*, Arthur Georg Freiherr von Ramberg, Johann Heinrich Ramberg, Mathias Ranftl, Carl Raupp*, Ferdinand von Rayski, Joseph Rebell, Ludovika Reichenbach-Simanowitz, Friedrich Christian Reinermann*, Johann Christian Reinhart, Wilhelm Reinhardt*, Christian Reinhart*, Friedrich Philipp Reinhold, Heinrich Reinhold, Heinrich Reinhold, Johann Baptist Reiter, Ottokar Renger*, August von Rentzell*, Alfred Rethel*, Friedrich August Moritz Retzsch*, Gerhard Wilhelm von Reutern*, August Richter*, Gustav Richter*, Ludwig Richter, Carl Rickelt*, Emanuel Rieck, Wilhelm August Rieder, Wilhelm Ludwig Friedrich Riefstahl, Johann Georg Riegel*, Richard Riemerschmid*, Franz und Johannes Riepenhausen, Peter Rittig, Ernst Wilhelm Rietschel*, Peter Rittig*, Philipp Röth*, Franz von Rohden*, Johann Martin von Rohden*, Wilhelm Rohr*, Anton Romako, Carl Rottmann, Leopold Rottmann, Carl Roux*, Jakob Wilhelm Christian Roux, Christian Ruben*, Franz Leo Ruben*, Moritz Rugendas, Philipp Rumpf*, Carl Ludwig Rundt*, Philipp Otto Runge*, Otto von Ruppert*, Robert Russ, Johann Georg Valentin Ruths*, Alois von Saar, Leo Samberger*, Wilhelm Schadow, Johann Gottlieb Schadow*, Carl Scharold*, Johann Evangelist Scheffer von Leonhardshoff, Wilhelm Scheuchzer, Caspar Scheuren, Julius Schgoer*, Gottlieb Schick*, Rudolf Schick*, Fritz Schider, Robert Schietzold, Johann Heinrich Schilbach, Emil Jakob Schindler, Carl Friedrich Schinkel (Umkreis), Johann Wilhelm Schirmer, Eduard Schleich d. ä., Robert Schleich, Hermann Schlittgen*, Mathias Schmid, Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Ludwig Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Georg Schöbel*, Johann Nepomuk Schödelberger, Gustav Schönleber, Franziska Schoepfer*, Otto Scholderer, Julius Scholtz, Karl Schorn, Julius Schrader*, Johann Schraudolph, Adolf Schreyer, Carl Schröder*, Adolph Schrödter*, Carl Schubert*, Carl Schuch, Werner Schuch*, Christian Georg Schütz, Theodor Christoph Schütz, Christian Georg Schüz, Karl Schultheiss*, Carl Friedrich Schulz gen. Jagdschulz*, Leopold Schulz*, Rudolf Schuster, Raffael Schuster-Woldan*, Ludwig von Schwanthaler*, Moritz von Schwind, Carl Ludwig Seeger*, Johann Conrad Seekatz, Johann Baptist Seele, August Seidel, Carl Wilhelm Seiler, Alexander Maximilian Seitz, Anton Seitz*, Ludwig Seitz*, Otto Seitz*, Rudolf von Seitz*, Egid Seybold*, Eduard Seydel*, Friedrich Karl Joseph Simmler, Franz Skarbina, Max Slevogt, Erwin Speckter*, Otto Speckter*, Johann Sperl, Rudolf Sieck*, August Spiess*, Eugen Spiro*, Emanuel Spitzer*, Carl Spitzweg, August Splitberger, Toni Stadler, Adolf Stäbli, Bernhard Stange, Johann Gottfried Steffan*, Carl Steffeck, Franz Steinfeld, A. Josef Steingrübel*, Wilhelm August Theodor Steinhausen*, Julius Steinkopf*, Eduard Steinle*, Edward von Steinle, Stella*, Edmund Steppes, Robert Sterl, Carl Josef Stieler, Adalbert Stifter, Christian Ernst Stölzel*, Joseph Strak*, Carl Strathmann*, Johann Nepomuk Strixner*, Franz von Stuck, Friedrich Wilhelm Stürmer*, Karl Stuhlmüller, Gustav Sundblad, Wilhelm de Taggart*, Hermann Terstegen*, Moritz Tettelbach, Hans Thoma, Josef Thürmer*, Friedrich Paul Thumann*, Johann Anton Tischbein*, Johann Friedrich August Tischbein, Johann Victor Tobler*, Johann Georg Trautmann, Wilhelm Trautschold*, Bruno von Trost*, Wilhelm Trübner, Paul Tübbecke, Fritz von Uhde, Unbekannt*, Hans Unger*, Wilhelm Unger*, Johann Georg Unruh*, Lesser Ury, Benjamin Vautier, Carl Moritz Veith*, Johannes Veit, Philipp Veit, Wilhelm Velten*, Albert Venus*, August Leopold Venus*, Theodor Verhas*, Gottfried Wilhelm Voelcker, Christian Leberecht Vogel*, Georg Ludwig Vogel, Hugo Vogel*, Carl Christian Vogel von Vogelstein*, Friedrich Johann Voltz, Johann Michael Voltz*, Ludwig Voltz*, Wilhelm Voltz*, Karl Wilhelm Wach, Max Joseph Wagenbauer, Carl Wagner, Otto Wagner*, Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller, Simon Warnberger*, Friedrich Wasmann, August Weber, Paul Weber, Eduard von Weeber*, Albert Weisgerber, Viktor Weishaupt*, Angelika Weiss, Friedrich Georg Weitsch, Sion Longley Wenban, Josef Wenglein, Johann Baptist Wengler*, Karl Bogdanowitsch Wenig*, Anton von Werner, Carl Friedrich Heinrich Werner*, Fritz Werner*, Rudolf Wiegmann*, Anton Wiertz*, Christian Wilberg*, August von Wille*, Josef Willroider*, Ludwig Willroider, F. Wilmans*, Rudolf Wimmer*, Franz Windhagen*, Christian Wink, Carl August Wintergerst*, Joseph Wintergerst, Franz Xaver Winterhalter, Erhard Winterstein*, Max Wislicenus, Johann Michael Wittmer, Friedrich Ernst Wolperding, Josef Wopfner, Friedrich Zeiss*, Johann Eleazar Zeissig gen. Schenau, Januarius Zick, Heinrich Zille*, Adolf Zimmermann, Albert Zimmermann, Alfred Zimmermann*, Ernst Zimmermann, Maximilian Zimmermann*, Adrian Zingg*, Heinrich von Zügel, Ludwig von Zumbusch, Johannes Zumpe*, Anton Zwengauer, Johann Nepomuk Zwerger*.

Carl Spitzweg, Der abgefangene Liebesbrief
Carl Spitzweg: Der abgefangene Liebesbrief, um 1855,
Museum Georg Schäfer, Schweinfurt


Johann Heinrich Schilbach: Oberwesel am Rhein mit Burgruine Schönburg, 1832
Johann Heinrich Schilbach: Oberwesel am Rhein
mit Burgruine Schönburg
, 1832


Johann Friedrich Voltz: Der Maler in Nöten, 1853
Johann Friedrich Voltz: Der Maler in Nöten, 1853


Franz und Johannes Riepenhausen: Das Mädchen aus der Fremde, 1807/10
Franz und Johannes Riepenhausen:
Das Mädchen aus der Fremde, 1807/10


Max Liebermann: Altmännerhaus in Amsterdam, 1881
Max Liebermann: Altmännerhaus in Amsterdam, 1881


Adolph Menzel: Cercle am Hof Kaiser Wilhelms I., 1879
Adolph Menzel: Cercle am Hof Kaiser Wilhelms I., 1879


Philipp Friedrich Hetsch: Der Tod des Konsuls Papirius, 1777/78
Philipp Friedrich Hetsch: Der Tod des Konsuls Papirius, 1777/78


Franz von Lenbach: Selbstbildnis mit Tochter Marion, um 1895
Franz von Lenbach: Selbstbildnis mit Tochter Marion, um 1895